3 Ways to Love Yourself
When we love someone, we give our time and effort to show it by our actions. We will go to great lengths to protect, value, and care for a loved one. How do you show love to yourself?
New Year Resolutions | Don’t Forget Relationships
As you are making your list of New Year Resolutions with goals to lose weight, exercise more, spend less, save more, and get organized…don’t forget to add your Relationship Resolutions. These are resolutions to reconnect with people you haven’t talked with in a long time, attempts to mend broken relationships, and commitments to growing relational
3 Ways to Make Saying “No” Easier During the Holidays
Even Santa Can’t Please Everyone… Do you remember the disappointment you felt when you didn’t get what you wanted for Christmas as a child? Although you may have felt devastated in the moment, you got over it and enjoyed the other gifts and time with your family. The truth is that even Santa can’t please
The Key to Happiness is Gratitude – not Attitude
4 Ways to Practice Gratitude: Having a positive attitude is a great way to face life every day, but if you do not know how to embrace and practice gratitude, you may still be unhappy. In the busy world we live in, it can be very difficult to be grateful, especially when we are facing
Secrets of Sexual Abuse | 4 Tips for Talking to Children
4 Tips for Talking to Children about Secrets There is an estimated 39 million survivors of sexual abuse in America. Experts believe 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are sexually assaulted by the age of 18 with 9 years old being the average age of reported abuse. It is a sad fact
5 Steps to Addressing Micro-Cheating in a Relationship
Micro-Cheating can cause feelings of betrayal and feel like infidelity in a relationship. Couples should discuss how they define infidelity and what boundaries are important to them in a Marriage. Dr. Crystal Hollenbeck specializes in helping couples heal from betrayal and establish and strengthen relationship boundaries so both partners feel valued and safe.
3 Facts Every Couple Should Know About Sex
As a Certified Sex Therapist and Certified Sex Addiction Therapist, I help couples address a broad spectrum of sexual issues. In my experience, I believe there are three basic facts that all couples should know to help them maintain a healthy sexual relationship that is intimate and fulfilling for both partners.
“Angerholic” | 5 Signs of Anger Addiction
Do you know someone who seems to be irritable all the time or “flies off the handle” and goes into a rage over something that doesn’t go their way? Do you have family members or friends who hurt people with verbal or physical abuse and then feel really bad about it, apologize, promise never to
5 Essentials for Strong Mental Health
The Past, Present, and Future: 3 reasons why is it important to schedule regular Mental Health Check-ups with a professional counselor.
Mate Poaching | 3 Reasons Why Women Do It
Most women would probably admit that at some point in their life, they have been attracted to someone who is already married, but they would never think of trying to do anything to lure the man away from his wife. However, for some women, they only seek out married and committed men to have a
Suicide Risk Factors | How do I know if someone is suicidal?
In 2022, approximately 49,449 people took their own life in the United States and 1.7 million people attempted suicide. Losing a loved one to suicide is traumatizing and heart breaking in so many ways.
5 Reasons Married Couples Should Never Stop Dating
Dating your partner helps to keep the marriage relationship a priority and strengthens sexual intimacy.