CHFP Three-Day Sex Addiction Intensive
for Couples
Click here and listen as Dr. Hollenbeck discusses healing for wounded marriages.
Dr. Crystal Hollenbeck is a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT), an APSAT Certified Clinical Partner Specialist (CCPS), a Certified Disclosure Guide, a Certified Couples Betrayal Recovery Therapist (CCBRT), and a Certified Hope & Freedom Practitioner (CHFP). She offers a Three-Day Intensive Sex Addiction Therapy Program for Couples who are facing the overwhelming challenges associated with Sex Addiction. During this intensive, couples are able to experience the benefits of six months of therapy in a Three-Day period.
Lies, confusion, betrayal, shame, lack of intimacy, feeling hopeless…these are just a few of the devastating aspects of a relationship impacted by Sex Addiction. The addicted spouse lives a secret life of shame, betrayal, and lies. The partner of a sex addict is traumatized and experiences symptoms of PTSD. She or he feels blindsided, betrayed, confused, angry, and fearful.
What to expect during the Three Day Intensive:
*Develop a Clear Written Recovery Plan
*Full Therapeutic Disclosure
*Lie Detector Exam
*Impact Statement
*Restitution Letter
*Several Other Exercises and Resources
A Few Requirements to Consider:
*You will be required to stay in a Hotel whether you are a local resident or coming in from out of town
*The cost is $5700.00 plus travel, hotel, food, etc.
*You will be expected to abstain from all alcohol and non prescriptions drug use 30 days prior and during the Intensive.
*You will be expected to give your full focus on the Intensive and asked to abstain from all media and work during the Intensive.
*You will need to have a therapist you are currently working with and will continue to work with after the Intensive.
Dr. Hollenbeck’s Intensive provides therapy that honors and respects the individual, as well as the couple, with a caring, nonjudgmental, and confidential approach in a Three-Day Intensive Therapeutic Setting.
Click here and listen as Dr. Hollenbeck discusses Rebuilding Trust.
As a Certified Hope & Freedom Practitioner, I believe that sex addiction does not have to bring an end to marriage. If there is a willingness on the part of the sex addict and the partner to give themselves wholeheartedly to the recovery process, I believe that most marriages can not only survive, but can thrive in recovery. This intensive treatment process is different from some others in that a stated goal of our process is to strengthen the marriage relationship with a foundation for recovery to move forward in the healing process.
Three-Day Intensives are not for everyone. Intensives are not a three-day cure. There is no such thing. They are designed to be three days of hard work that will help you get to the root of your addiction, strip away barriers to recovery, and put your life and relationship on the road to recovery. These three days of concentrated and demanding work address issues that may otherwise take six months or more of therapy for equivalent results.
This program is very rigorous. In fact, it may be the most rigorous short-term treatment program of its kind. We are very selective in accepting couples into this program because we want to make sure a Three-Day Intensive is the appropriate treatment choice. If you are looking for an easy fix to a problem that you have developed over many years, this program is not for you. We work only with highly motivated couples who are ready to do whatever is necessary to put an end to all acting out behaviors once-and-for-all and engage in the difficult but rewarding process of rebuilding their relationship.